Been a while since I updated this. Had to deal with a database issue with my hosting provider, went on a vacation, then go sucked into a big project at work that by the end of the day I didn't want to spend another minute looking at code. Things are slowing down a little and I'm able to get back into some of my own projects, including a programming book I've been working on and a few small applications for my site. The changes to the book include reorganizing the content into what I'm hoping is a more sensible path.
One of the applications I'm working on is a list manager, simple in concept. A simple application that allows users to build lists such as grocery lists, packing lists, places to visit, favorite movies or books, etc. Hoping to have something up and running in a few weeks.
Another big change is going through the Angular front end of my Monolith page and reorganizing files so that each application is self-contained (yes, I know, should have been doing this from the start and would have saved me time).
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