Crossed another big hurdle
Feb. 16, 2024
Reusing code for selecting assignments
This turned out to be a bust, may try again later with a service but I'm thinking that since I'm reusing the same component, trying to do what I'm doing is not going to be done in a clean manner.
Pairing Assignments with Students and Submitting Grades
Did some more work on moving forward with being able to pair up students with assignments for courses, leading to the eventual goal of teachers having a digital gradebook. On Thursday, I finished up most of the work on the front and back end to create all of the entries for adding grade entry data into the database, and on Friday I connected the dots, as well as added a few interface changes, now the teachers can create grade entries for multiple students in multiple classes. Next week I'll move on to the grade book
Post formatting
Also, I'm making some changes to the formatting for each of these posts, still new to the world of blogging
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Going against D-R-Y
Feb. 9, 2024
The last few days have been pretty busy with my School Manager application, let's see if I can remember everything
- Did some code clean up to avoid repeating some tables in the code by moving the table to a new component. This meant getting a lot more experience with using the Input and Output features to pass information between the different parent and child components
- Started working on getting everything working for teachers to pair up assignments with students and build up their grade books, but got side tracked, hoping to finish that out this week or maybe next. For now, teachers can pull up the list of assignments they have created, select one or more, and view which ones they have selected, then they can select one or more students. Next steps are building out the transfer object to get that to the back end and then setting up the back end to receive and process.
- Came up with a plan for how I'm going to handle password resets for demonstration purposes. Going to use the '3 security question' option for now. I have a plan for emailing a reset link but since I do not have an email service set up, and don't want to pay the extra money each month for a demonstration model, that will wait.
- Finished up all of the filtering functionality when selecting courses. With this, when setting one student up with multiple classes, as the staff selects a course, all other entries of that course throughout the day as well as all courses taking place at the same time, are removed from the displayed list of available courses. Example, if the staff member selects Biology 1st period/hour, then all other Biology courses and all classes during that same hour are removed. Also set up the code to remove those filter and update the display list if a course is removed from the student's schedule.
- Running into a problem when selecting assignments to pair with students and getting the child components to update after I remove one from the selected list. As much as I want to keep the parent-child component setup, I'm thinking I may have to abandon that idea
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First Post
Feb. 5, 2024
I decided the other day to start up this little blog as a way of keeping the few of you that check out my site up to
date on projects I'm working on, and to show that I am working on things when updates on my various sites start
slowing down
This first post is going to be big since I'm going to talk about some stuff that's already up and running as well as
provide some info about bigger project that I'm working on and will add to my Spring monolith project.
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