Been a while since I updated this. Had to deal with a database issue with my hosting provider, went on a vacation, then go sucked into a big project at work that by the end of the day I didn't want to spend another minute looking at code. Things are slowing down a little and I'm able to get back into some of my own projects, including a programming book I've been working on and a few small applications for my site. The changes to the book include reorganizing the content into what I'm hoping is a more sensible path.
One of the applications I'm working on is a list manager, simple in concept. A simple application that allows users to build lists such as grocery lists, packing lists, places to visit, favorite movies or books, etc. Hoping to have something up and running in a few weeks.
Another big change is going through the Angular front end of my Monolith page and reorganizing files so that each application is self-contained (yes, I know, should have been doing this from the start and would have saved me time).
Back to the topI knew this would happen when I started this, I would be good for posting a few updates then I would forget a few then be stuck trying to remember what I worked on since the last update.
I finished most of the grade book from the teacher perspective. Teachers can now log in, select the assignments for each course, and pair them up with students. Trying to update the display to only show assignments that haven't been assigned to students would have been too much for me to try taking on right now so I went with a different approach. The assignments are selected first, then the students, that information is sent back. A new entry is only added to the database if if that pairing isn't already there, not the most efficient but it works.
Another part of the grade book I worked on was showing the current grade and allowing teachers to provide a grade for each assignment. This part still needs a lot of work. For now, the page simply displays all of the assignments with some basic sorting. I have most of the elements in place to eventually allow for filtering based on assignment type, the week and/or the course.
This has been something I needed to work on for a while. I have been working with a small set of middle and high school courses that could be assigned to students at any time. I am starting to go through and updated and apply the idea of course prerequisites and tie it in with the grade book and implement a system of keeping track of which courses the students have complete. Then, I'll be able to update the process of assign multiple courses to individual students to only show courses where they have completed the required courses, example, only show World History 2 if the student has completed World History 1.
This has been something I've wanted to work on for a while. I recently showed my son how to play the card game War, then sat down to write a program to play it. There won't be much of a user interface since all it would be is typing in a command or pressing a button to play the next card, over and over, until one player wins. It's mostly an exercise in figuring out the logic behind the game.
Trying to come up with some new projects that I can add to either of my main pages, possibly a cook book of different recipes I use in the kitchen
Back to the topThis turned out to be a bust, may try again later with a service but I'm thinking that since I'm reusing the same component, trying to do what I'm doing is not going to be done in a clean manner.
Did some more work on moving forward with being able to pair up students with assignments for courses, leading to the eventual goal of teachers having a digital gradebook. On Thursday, I finished up most of the work on the front and back end to create all of the entries for adding grade entry data into the database, and on Friday I connected the dots, as well as added a few interface changes, now the teachers can create grade entries for multiple students in multiple classes. Next week I'll move on to the grade book
Also, I'm making some changes to the formatting for each of these posts, still new to the world of blogging
Back to the topThe last few days have been pretty busy with my School Manager application, let's see if I can remember everything
I decided the other day to start up this little blog as a way of keeping the few of you that check out my site up to date on projects I'm working on, and to show that I am working on things when updates on my various sites start slowing down
This first post is going to be big since I'm going to talk about some stuff that's already up and running as well as provide some info about bigger project that I'm working on and will add to my Spring monolith project.
So far, I've been able to get the following working: